Results for 'Fernando Sepe Gimbo'

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    A arqueologia de Foucault entre estrutura e história.Fernando Sepe Gimbo - 2017 - Doispontos 14 (1).
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    Emancipação intelectual e democracia: para uma filosofia crítica da educação a partir de Jacques Rancière e Paulo Freire.Fernando Gimbo - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 16 (2):270-284.
    Trata-se de propor, através da leitura conjunta de Jacques Rancière e Paulo Freire, uma filosofia da educação capaz de nos orientar em uma crítica da atual sociedade neoliberal. Tendo tal objetivo em vista, primeiramente exponho como a igualdade pode aparecer enquanto princípio a orientar nossas práticas educacionais. Com a afirmação da potência própria à inteligência é toda uma compreensão antropológica do homem que se desenha, compreensão essa que afirma o ser humano enquanto um ente que tem no aprendizado uma forma (...)
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    Pensar para além-do-homem: crítica ao humanismo em Michel Foucault.Fernando Sepe - 2013 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 8 (2):24-40.
    Trata-se de apresentar a crítica ao humanismo desenvolvida por Foucault como um movimento fundamental e necessário para uma crítica sistemática à razão moderna. Para tanto, é necessário que abordemos a crítica a partir das diferentes formas que ela ganha na obra foucaultiana. Privilegiaremos dois momentos de seu percurso crítico: sua arqueologia do saber, com o diagnóstico da confusão entre o empírico e transcendental articulado a partir da filosofia kantiana, e a crítica do esgotamento da filosofia da consciência como fundamento dos (...)
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    Rediscovering Richard Held: Activity and Passivity in Perceptual Learning.Fernando Bermejo, Mercedes X. Hüg & Ezequiel A. Di Paolo - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
  5. Santos arrebatados: algunos ejemplos de maydub en la Salwat al-anfas de Muhammad al-Kattani.Fernando R. Mediano - 1992 - Al-Qantara 13 (1):237-260.
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  6. Platão: o prazer e a deficiência do mundo sensível.Fernando Muniz - 2002 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar:185-195.
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    The FAN principle and weak König's lemma in herbrandized second-order arithmetic.Fernando Ferreira - 2020 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 171 (9):102843.
    We introduce a herbrandized functional interpretation of a first-order semi-intuitionistic extension of Heyting Arithmetic and study its main properties. We then extend the interpretation to a certain system of second-order arithmetic which includes a (classically false) formulation of the FAN principle and weak König's lemma. It is shown that any first-order formula provable in this system is classically true. It is perhaps worthy of note that, in our interpretation, second-order variables are interpreted by finite sets of natural numbers.
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    A nova política dos governadores.Fernando Luiz Abrucio & David Samuels - 1997 - Lua Nova: Revista de Cultura e Política 40.
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    La exousia o autoridad de Jesús en el Evangelio de Marcos.Fernando Camacho Acosta - 2023 - Isidorianum 16 (32-33):185-196.
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    Poder y servicio. Análisis de Mc 10,42-45.Fernando Camacho Acosta - 2023 - Isidorianum 13 (25):139-154.
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  11. La gnoseología" circularista" de Blaise Pascal.Fernando Miguel Pérez Herranz - 2003 - El Basilisco 33:81-94.
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    Zigzag and Fregean Arithmetic.Fernando Ferreira - 2018 - In Hassan Tahiri (ed.), The Philosophers and Mathematics: Festschrift for Roshdi Rashed. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 81-100.
    In Frege’s logicism, numbers are logical objects in the sense that they are extensions of certain concepts. Frege’s logical system is inconsistent, but Richard Heck showed that its restriction to predicative quantification is consistent. This predicative fragment is, nevertheless, too weak to develop arithmetic. In this paper, I will consider an extension of Heck’s system with impredicative quantifiers. In this extended system, both predicative and impredicative quantifiers co-exist but it is only permissible to take extensions of concepts formulated in the (...)
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    Theoretical Medicine: A Proposal for Reconceptualizing Medicine as a Science of Actions.Fernando Lolas - 1996 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 21 (6):659-670.
    The main task of a critical theory of medicine should be to develop a perspectival, context-fair, and multidimensional science of actions which integrates both diversity and heterogeneity within medicine without eliminating either one. Such a theory should employ diversity in the following areas: (1) in systems, subsystems, and professions, because different medical professions embody different health-care subsystems, thereby influencing the way manpower is utilized, (2) in actors, (e.g., patients, health-care experts, and society), processes, and situations, because each actor potentially conceptualizes (...)
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    Die Logik als Kathartikon des Verstandes und ihre Methode als Modell der Kritik der reinen Vernunft.Fernando Moledo - 2018 - In Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing & David Wagner (eds.), Natur und Freiheit: Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. De Gruyter. pp. 1305-1312.
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    Environmental Mutual Funds: Financial Performance and Managerial Abilities.Fernando Muñoz, Maria Vargas & Isabel Marco - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 124 (4):551-569.
    This article analyzes the financial performance and managerial abilities of a sample of US and European socially responsible (SR) mutual funds. The period analyzed commences from January 1994 and concludes in January 2013 and yields 18 US and 89 European green funds. The results obtained for green fund managers are compared with those achieved for conventional and other forms of SR mutual fund managers. We control for the mutual fund investment objective (distinguishing between domestic and global portfolios) and for the (...)
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    Nietzsche: del nihilismo a la teoría de la creatividad artística.Fernando Araya - 2014 - San José, Costa Rica: Editorial Universidad Estatal a Distancia.
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    A teogonia de Ferécides de Siro.Fernando Bastos - 2003 - Lisboa: Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda.
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  18. No place like a non-place.Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns, Juan Ignacio Juvé & Emiliano Aguilar - 2018 - In Heather L. Rivera & Alexander E. Hooke (eds.), The Twilight Zone and philosophy: a dangerous dimension to visit. Chicago: Open Court.
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    Teologia, ciência e cultura: diálogo necessário e inadiável.Fernando Cardoso Bertoldo - 2017 - Revista de Teologia 11 (19):59-70.
    The article presents aspects related to the dialogue of theology with the sciences and culture of the people, and also how the reception of theological language by the believer takes place. One can speak not only of the possibility of dialogue between theology and science and culture of the people, but also of the urgent need for such dialogue, especially in the contemporary context, where theology is so often overlooked in the public environment. In view of this change of epoch (...)
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    Sensus ecclesiae in revelatione: O sentido de igreja a partir da história da salvação.Fernando Lorenz - 2012 - Revista de Teologia 6 (9):93-107.
    O presente artigo pretende compreender o ser da Igreja inserido na história enquanto mistério de comunhão. Os textos bíblicos do AT manifestam a entidade teológica denominada Igreja que encontra o seu sentido pleno nos textos do NT. Os escritos de Inácio de Antioquia nos remetem a afirmação de que a eclesiologia se funda sobre a cristologia. A eclesiologia de São Irineu de Lião é caracterizada pelo tema da recapitulação e da tradição. Encontramos, também, em Cipriano uma eclesiologia da unidade. Em (...)
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  21. La instrospección y el uso cognitivo del lenguaje.Fernando Martínez Manrique & Agustín Vicente Benito - 2005 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 24 (1):63-78.
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  22. " Conviene desarrollar una inteligencia Tecnosocial": propuesta personal, basada en la SocioTecnología de la Información y la Cultura.Fernando Sáez Vacas - 2013 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 94:12-22.
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  23. "Les mystères de la douleur divine". Une "prière" du jeune Jean Piaget pour l'année 1916.Fernando Vidal - 1994 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 126:97.
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  24. El marco fenomenológico y el realismo metafísico en el pensamiento de Edith Stein.Fernando Haya - 1998 - Anuario Filosófico 31 (62):819-842.
    This paper analyses Edith Stein's thought in order to find out, particularly in the investigation the philosopher did about Thomas Aquinas, the metaphysical assumptions hidden in the phenomeno-logy. It tries to clarify in which way the steinian "realism of essence", based on a certain logical atomism, gives up the idealistic postulates of Husserl's philosophy.
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  25. Referenztheorie und Geschichtlichkeit.Fernando Inciarte - 1983 - Theologie Und Philosophie 58 (2):181.
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  26. O falibilismo epistemológico de Karl Popper.Fernando Ruiz Rosario - 2019 - Sofia 7 (2):289-304.
    O falsificacionismo popperiano, ao propor que teorias científicas devem ser tomadas enquanto conjecturas, implica uma visão falibilista sobre o conhecimento. Ao assumir que não existe fonte segura para fundamentar o conhecimento, Popper precisa repensar o que seja o conhecimento, já que não existiriam razões suficientes para que determinássemos que uma determinada teoria é certa. Para tanto, utiliza-se de uma concepção não justificacionista, fazendo da crítica o critério de racionalidade. O resultado desse projeto popperiano leva a uma concepção falibilista sobre o (...)
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    Aquiles em Ifigênia em Áulis de Eurípides.Fernando Brandão Dos Santos - 2006 - Synthesis (la Plata) 13:49-66.
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    El mundo de la moral entre el cielo y la tierra. A propósito de la típica de la razón pura práctica.Fernando Longás - 2022 - Isegoría 66:08-08.
    Based on the interpretation of the passage that Kant dedicates to the typic of the pure practical power of judgment, the author gives a central place to what, in his view, constitutes the heart of the problem of Kantian critical philosophy, namely, to demonstrate that reason, in its practical use can be effectively moral. This provides the basis to hold that the solution offered by Kant to this severe problem consolidates the subordination of the theorical use of reason to the (...)
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    The Moral Structure of Humanitarian Intervention.Fernando R. Tesón - 2005 - In Andrew I. Cohen & Christopher Heath Wellman (eds.), Contemporary Debates in Applied Ethics. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 22--391.
  30. Comments on Predicative Logic.Fernando Ferreira - 2006 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 35 (1):1-8.
    We show how to interpret intuitionistic propositional logic into a predicative second-order intuitionistic propositional system having only the conditional and the universal second-order quantifier. We comment on this fact. We argue that it supports the legitimacy of using classical logic in a predicative setting, even though the philosophical cast of predicativism is nonrealistic. We also note that the absence of disjunction and existential quantifications allows one to have a process of normalization of proofs that avoids the use of "commuting conversions.".
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  31. La libertad del instante. La lectura poliana del Zaratustra.Fernando Haya - 2013 - Studia Poliana 15:43-67.
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    DE ASÍS ROIG, Rafael: Derechos y tecnologías.Fernando Llano - 2024 - Anuario de Filosofía Del Derecho 39.
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  33. Individualidad e individuación según Edith Stein.Fernando Haya - 2004 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 32:159-174.
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    La resistencia de la percepción al análisis trascendental kantiano. El proyecto merleau-pontyano de una reflexión radical.Fernando Libonati - 2021 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 18:117-140.
    Se evalúa la posibilidad de calificar la fenomenología de Merleau-Ponty como crascendental. Partiendo de la crítica al problema de la afección en Kant, desarrollada en La Estntcmra del Comportamiento (sección 1), se explicitan las dificultades de adoptar una definición formalista de conciencia, junto con la propuestaalternativa de Merleau-Poncy (sección 2). Luego se reivindica la percepción como captación de estrucruras y existencias, frente al abordaje in telecrualisra que opera en la Crítica (sección 3). Finalmente, se argumenta que las cuestiones desarrolladas expresan (...)
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  35. ¿Un nuevo imaginario político?Fernando Quesada Castro - 2001 - Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 17:5-30.
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    The Faithfulness of Fat: A Proof-Theoretic Proof.Fernando Ferreira & Gilda Ferreira - 2015 - Studia Logica 103 (6):1303-1311.
    It is known that there is a sound and faithful translation of the full intuitionistic propositional calculus into the atomic polymorphic system F at, a predicative calculus with only two connectives: the conditional and the second-order universal quantifier. The faithfulness of the embedding was established quite recently via a model-theoretic argument based in Kripke structures. In this paper we present a purely proof-theoretic proof of faithfulness. As an application, we give a purely proof-theoretic proof of the disjunction property of the (...)
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    Pensando Nietzsche a partir de Kant: uma radicalização do projeto crítico?Fernando Costa Mattos - 2007 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 10:51-68.
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    Elementary Proof of Strong Normalization for Atomic F.Fernando Ferreira & Gilda Ferreira - 2016 - Bulletin of the Section of Logic 45 (1):1-15.
    We give an elementary proof of the strong normalization of the atomic polymorphic calculus Fat.
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    Dividing Plato’s Kinds.Fernando Muniz & George Rudebusch - 2018 - Phronesis 63 (4):392-407.
    A dilemma has stymied interpretations of the Stranger’s method of dividing kinds into subkinds in Plato’sSophistandStatesman. The dilemma assumes that the kinds are either extensions or intensions. Now kinds divide like extensions, not intensions. But extensions cannot explain the distinct identities of kinds that possess the very same members. We propose understanding a kind as like an animal body—the Stranger’s simile for division—possessing both an extension and an intension. We find textual support in the Stranger’s paradigmatic four steps for collecting (...)
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  40. La sagesse de Pierre Charron et le scepticisme académique.Fernando Bahr - 2016 - In Sébastien Charles & Plínio Junqueira Smith (eds.), Academic Scepticism in the Development of Early Modern Philosophy. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    APPENDIX CA Carnival of Eccentrics.Gilda Cordero-Fernando - 2008 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 12 (1).
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    Ask My Wife.Gilda Cordero-Fernando - 2008 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 12 (1).
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  43. Arte e Islam. Mahoma y su representación.Fernando Klein - 2009 - Aposta 40:5.
    The article deals with the chances of illustration of Mohammed: is it forbidden to depict Mohammed in the Islam? What the history or the religion say about it? The following sentences try to get a brief but deep approaching to that issue, underlying the importance that just a few time ago when several problems related to misunderstanding and hatred set the Muslim world in front of the Western people as violent in a behavior that no one could share. Through the (...)
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  44. Fatalism.Fernando Migura & Agustin Arrieta - 2011 - In Michael Bruce & Steven Barbone (eds.), Just the Arguments: 100 of the Most Important Arguments in Western Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  45. La realidad de las "apariencias" según Parménides de Elea.Fernando Montero Moliner - 1959 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 5:3-10.
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  46. ""La fenomenología del" yo" de Jean-Paul Sartre.Fernando Montero - 1980 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 10 (4):327-346.
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    Propositional Pleasures in Plato’s Philebus.Fernando Muniz - 2014 - Journal of Ancient Philosophy 8 (1):49.
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    S5-denying Approach to Relativized Metaphysical Modality.Fernando Furtado - 2020 - Manuscrito 43 (1):1-40.
    This paper is organised as follows: first, I present Salmon’s theory of modality and compare it with the standard interpretation of modality: ‘the nonrelativized S5-friendly interpretation of metaphysical modality’. Second, I explain Murray and Wilson’s ‘two-dimensional S5-friendly interpretation of relativized metaphysical modality’. In the third and last part, I put forward a few arguments against Murray and Wilson’s attempt to provide an essentialist S5-friendly theory for modality. In general, this paper argues that if one wants to hold an essentialist theory (...)
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    Internal and External Validity in Experimental Ethics and Economics.Fernando Aguiar - 2018 - Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 49:5-10.
    According to a classical work on experimental design internal validity “refers to the approximate validity with which we infer that a relationship between two variables is causal or that the absence of a relationship implies the absence of cause”. External validity “refers to the approximate validity with which we can infer that the presumed causal relationship can be generalized to and across alternate measures of the cause and effect and across different types of persons, settings, and times”. Since then, these (...)
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    L'Influence de l'armée dans la politique brésilienne.Fernando Moura - 1970 - Res Publica 12 (2):255-261.
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